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There are numerous links on this page to organizations and resources that provide information on nature and environmental topics. Above are quick links to the various sections on this page. Feel free to browse, or click on one of these links to go directly to the section of interest.

If you know of a site that you think would be of interest to our members and others, please click here to send us an email and let us know about it! We will consider adding it to our list. Thank you.

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Pete Harris - Songs From The Hammock

Pete Harris was a local singer, song writer and musician who performed in our area - Sebastian's "Jimmy Buffett". He acknowledges the Friends of St. Sebastian River in his albums and supports our efforts to preserve the habitat and beauty of the St. Sebastian River. He has even recorded a song about the St. Sebastian River on his "Songs From The Hammock" album, pictured at left!

Pete passed away in April 2007 from brain cancer. We thank him for his long-time support of the St. Sebastian River and offer our best to his wife and family.

Action Alerts/Take Action/Advocacy Organizations

The following organizations have advocacy sections on their websites that keep you informed of actions you can take on important issues. Many provide the ability to contact specific representatives of an issue, directly from their website. Most of these organizations also have electronic newsletters that you can subscribe to, to keep updated on these issues as well.

10 Simple Ways You Can Keep Watersheds Clean
Action Network Hub - An Environmental Activism Community
Audubon of Florida - Advocate newsletter
Defenders of Wildlife - Take Action Center
Environmental Defense Action Network
Florida Defenders of the Environment
Florida Public Interest Research Group
National Audubon Society - Take Action
National Parks and Conservation Association - Take Action
National Resources Defense Council Earth Action Center
NRDC's BioGems - Save Endangered Wild Places
Plastic Free Florida - Empowering Floridians to take action on single use plastics
Population Connection Take Action
Save the Manatee Club - Take Action!
Stand Up for the Lagoon - It's Time to Act, Brevard Indian River Lagoon Coalition
Union of Concerned Scientists Take Action
Vote Hemp - for an Industrial Hemp free market
World Resources Institute - SafeClimate
World Wildlife Fund Conservation Action Network

Kids' Stuff - for both big and small!

Audubon Adventures
Audubon - The Joy of Birds
Big Kid Science
Biodiversity! How can we balance the needs of people with the needs of other living things?, Smithsonian Science Education Center
Biomes of the World
Cornell Lab of Ornithology - Explorer's Guidebook
Cornell Lab of Ornithology - Lessons & Activities
Ding Darling Wildlife Society - Activities at Home
Discover Water: The Role of Water in Our Lives
Earth & Space Science
Earth's Endangered Creatures
Education Resources - Evergaldes National Park
Everglades Literacy Program - The Everglades Foundation
Explore Our Coast coloring book, Institute for Regional Conservation
Florida State Parks Critter Sheets - coloring sheets with fun facts about Florida's native and invasive critters
Florida State Parks Natural Communities Coloring Pages
Florida State Parks "Outsiders Club" - 30 minute programs starring kids who explore the great outdoors
Gopher Tortoise Council - activity and educational projects
How to Draw! - Canvas of the Wild, learn to draw Florida species highlighted in our "Wild Florida" coloring book
Interactive World Map
International Fund for Animal Welfare - activities, coloring books and posters
Journey North - species migration
Kids' Corner, Dept. of Wildlife & Ecology, University of Florida - coloring books, fact sheets, and more
Kid'sGardening! Gardening Resources, Gardening for Families, Teacher's Garden...
Kobee the Manatee - kids' activities and teacher resources
Manatee Activity Book - FL DEP
My Wetlands Coloring Book, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
NASA's Earth Minute Video Series
National Arbor Day - Carly's Kid's Corner
National Geographic Educational Resources
National Geographic's "Explorer" Magazine
National Geographic Kids
National Park Foundation - Helping Kids Explore the Parks
National Science Teaching Association - eBooks
Nature Buddies, Arnold Arboretum
Nature Lab - The Nature Conservancy's educator resources
Nautilus Live - Ocean Exploration Trust with Dr. Robert Ballard and the Corps of Exploration
NOAA Marine Debris Program
NOAA Ocean Today - Watch, Explorer, Discover
Owls of the World - The Owl Pages
Plant Heroes - explore plant and forest ecosystems, American Public Gardens Association
Population Connection's "Population Education"
Project Dragonfly
Project Seagrass
Puffy The Puffer's Book of Fun Fish Facts
Rainforest Action Network: Kid's Corner
Ranger Rick's Kids' Zone - National Wildlife Federation
RiverKidz - Rivers Coalition
Save the Manatee Club - Action Kids!
Save the Manatee Resources for Students - includes manatee activities and coloring book
Science Learning Resources - The Franklin Institute
Shorebird Sister Schools - USFWS
Snowy Plover Coloring Book
Spiderpalooza Coloring Book, Taylor Lab, University of Florida
St. Johns River Water Management District Educational Resources for kids, parents and teachers
Teek and Tom Explore Planet Earth, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
The Great Plant Escape
The Green Hour - National Wildlife Federation
The Nature Conservancy - Nature Works Everywhere
The Water Cycle - Ocean Today, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
The Wilderness Society - Nature and Wildlife Apps for Kids
Trash Talk - Come Learn About Marine Debris and be Part of the Action!, NOAA - Ocean Today
U.S. EPA - Water for Kids
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service: Educating for Conservation
Wetlands Coloring Book, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
WhaleNet - Boston, Massachusetts
World Wildlife Fund - Conservation in the Classroom
World Wildlife Fund - Find Your Inner Animal
X Kids Program - Xerces Society

Local Interest

Archbold Biological Station, Lake Wales
Archie Carr National Wildlife Refuge
Audubon - Center for Birds of Prey, Maitland
Battleground Everglades - PBS documentary series on Everglades restoration
Be Floridian Now - Saving Our Lakes, Rivers, & Estuaries One Yard at a Time
Bob Barbour Fine Art Photography and Video
Brevard County's Environmentally Endangered Lands Program
Brevard County Natural Resources - Indian River Lagoon Harmful Algal Blooms - remote sensing and detection
Brevard Indian River Lagoon Coalition
Brevard Zoo, Melbourne
Canaveral National Seashore
City of Sebastian - Integrated Pest Management for Stormwater Assets - herbicide application notices
City of Sebastian, Natural Resources Board
Climate Change and the Indian River Lagoon
Coastal Connections
Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary, Immokalee
Council for Sustainable Florida
Enchanted Forest Nature Sanctuary, Titusville
Environmental Leaders Coalition of Indian River County
Environmental Learning Center, Wabasso
Erna Nixon Park and Nature Center, Melbourne
Eugenia Chapter - Florida Native Plant Society
Everglades National Park
Expedition Florida - Wild Tracks
Exploring Florida Activity Book, Museum of Florida History
Fairchild Tropical Garden, Miami
Florida Conservation Planning Atlas
Florida Medical Entomology Laboratory, Vero Beach
FMEL - Mosquito Information Page
Florida Wildlife Corridor - You Are Here: A Virtual Exploration
Green Living Toolkit, Science and Environment Council of Southwest Florida
Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute, Ft. Pierce
Hubbs-Sea World Research Institute
Indian River Cares
Indian River County Extension Service - UFL/IFAS
Indian River Lagoon - history, facts, restoration, etc., St. Johns River Water Management District
Indian River Lagoon - Spoil Island Project
Indian River Lagoon National Estuary Program
Indian River Lagoon Project - facts, news and more
Lagoon Loyal - part of Brevard County's Save Our Indian River Lagoon Program
List of Invasive Species in Florida
Learn About Living Shorelines with Marjorie Shropshire, FL Native Plant Society video
Loxahatchee National Wildlife Refuge
Manatee Observation and Education Center, Ft. Pierce
Marie Selby Botanical Gardens, Sarasota
Marine Resources Council of East Florida
McKee Botanical Gardens
Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge
Mote Marine Laboratory, Sarasota
Oslo Riverfront Conservation Area
Pelican Island National Wildlife Refuge
Pelican Island Audubon Society
Pelican Island Conservation Society
Space Coast Audubon Society
St. Johns River Virtual Tour - from its headwaters in the marshes of Indian River County north to the Atlantic Ocean
St. Sebastian River Preserve State Park
Save the Manatee - Florida Springs Conservation education modules
Sebastian Inlet State Park
Smithsonian Marine Station, Ft.Pierce
Tampa Bay Estuary Program
Turtle Coast Sierra Club
Turkey Creek Sanctuary, Palm Bay
Upper St. Johns River Marsh Wildlife Management Area/Map
Vero Beach Reefs
Water Less Florida - Florida's Water - It's Worth Saving - St. Johns River Water Management District


Global Warming - It just ain't cool.
Changing Seas - Habitats: The Key to Florida's Fisheries, featuring the IR Land Trust Bee Gum Point Conservation Area
Changing Seas - Toxic Algae: Complex Sources and Solutions - Lake Okeechobee and the Indian River Lagoon
ClimateWatch: Climate Change News & Features, CBS News
Cornell Lab of Ornithology
Earth as Art - NASA
Florida Wetlands, University of Florida, IFAS Extension
Global Warming Primer
NASA Earth Observatory
Protected Rivers Explorer, American Rivers
Red Tide in Florida, Florida Wildlife Research Institute, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
Remember the Rainforest - Martius-Spix Amazon Expedition, 1817-1820
Share it! Science - Inspriring Curiosity With Science - Best Science Web Resources
The Listening Planet
Water's Journey: Hidden Rivers of Florida


20 Easy-to-Grow Wildlflowers - Florida Wildflower Foundation
Audubon's "Audubon at Home" Program
Australian Pine insvaion flyer - Volusia County
Celebrating Wildflowers, US Forest Service
Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants, University of Florida, Institute for Food and Agricultural Sciences
Certified Wildlife Habitat Yards, National Wildlife Federation
Flora of the Southeastern United States, North Carolina Botanical Garden
Florida Association of Native Nurseries
Florida Federation of Garden Clubs
Finding Wildflowers Near You - Wildflower Viewing Areas, US Forest Service
Florida Fertilizer Ordinances Map
Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission - Invasive Plant Management
Florida Native Plant Society
Florida Wildflower Foundation
Florida Wildflowers Page
Florida-Friendly Landscaping Program
Florida-Friendly Landscaping Guide to Plant Selection & Landscape Design
Florida Yards & Neighborhoods Publications
Gardening for Wildlife in Florida, Florida Wildlife Federation
Getting Into The "Weeds:" An Introduction to Common Lawn Plants and Their Ecological Benefits in North Central Florida, UF/IFAS Extension
Guide for Real Florida Gardeners - Florida Association of Native Nurseries
Help Protect Florida's Natural Areas from Non-native Invasive Plants
Homegrown National Park - Start a New Habitat
How to Install a Rain Garden, American Rivers
Invasive Plants - Changing the Landscape of America: Fact Book
La Florida - Land of Flowers, Ornamental Horticulture with Florida Native Plants
Mangrove Restoration
National Wildlife Federation - Garden for Wildlife
Native Butterfly Flowers, Palm Bay
Natural Pest and Disease Management, UF/IFAS Gardening Solutions
North American Invasive Species Management Association - Invasive Plant ID/Information & Biocontrol Factsheets
Pollinator-Friendly Native Plant Lists, Xerces Society
Rain Gardens - University of Florida/IFAS
Recommended Native Landscape Plants for Florida's Treasure Coast
Reduce Runoff: Slow It Down, Spread It Out, Soak It In - Rain Gardens and more, US EPA
Using Bioswales in Your Landscape This publication is provided courtesy of State-by-State Gardening and Florida Gardening magazines, and used here by permission.
Wild Ones - Native Plants, Natural Landscapes
Wildflowers and Weeds: Exploring What Native Means, Florida Wildflower Foundation
Working In The Weeds podcast, Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants, UFL/IFAS
Working Trees: The Benefit of Trees, Reforestation, and Responsible Forest Management, Nature Lab, The Nature Conservancy

Florida State Government Sites

Derelict and At-Risk Vessels, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
Florida's Aquatic Preserves
Florida Monofilament Recovery and Recycling Program
Florida Springs: Protecting Nature's Gems
Florida State Parks ...the Real Florida!
Florida Water Quality Dashboard
Florida Water Star
Handbook of Florida Water Regulation
Invasive Plant Management
St. Johns River Water Management District
South Florida Water Management District
What's Happening on My Lake?

Septic Systems

A Better Mousetrap - Distributed Wastewater Treatment
Do Your Part, Be Septic Smart - US Environmental Protection Agency
Florida Water Management Inventory Project - Florida Department of Health
Homeowner's Guide to Septic Systems, short-form flyer - US Environmental Protection Agency
Homeowner's Guide to Septic Systems - US Environmental Protection Agency
Homeowner's Guide to Septic Systems - New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection
Maintaining Your Septic System - A Guide for Homeowners - National Small Flows Clearinghouse
Onsite Sewage Treatment and Disposal Systems - University of Florida, IFAS Extension
Protecting Your Home, Caring for Your Septic System - Florida Department of Health

Citizen Science Projects

What is citizen science? It is scientific research where the general public can contribute to a collaborative project with professional researchers, sometimes referred to as "crowdsourcing." Click here to read more about what citizen science is, on Wikipedia.

Audubon Christmas Bird Count
Audubon Citizen Science Projects
Audubon Climate Watch
Audubon EagleWatch
Audubon Florida Banded Bird Sighting - How to Report
Audubon Great Backyard Bird Count
Audubon Jay Watch - Florida Scrub-Jay
Audubon Project Colony Watch
Banded Birds Project - Conserve Wildlife Foudation of NJ - Report Sightings
Bat Detective - help classify bat call recordings
Bee Hunt
Bumble Bee Watch
Citizen Science Central - Cornell Lab of Ornithology
Citizen Scientist Project Finder
Cuban Treefrog Project - UFL
Dragonfly Pond Watch
Firefly Atlas
Florida Butterfly Monitoring Network
Florida Gopher Tortoise Sighting Report
Florida Horseshoe Crab Survey
Florida Shorebird Alliance - Report Banded Bird Sighting
I'veGot1 - Florida Invasive Species Partnership
Florida Lakewatch Aquatic Bird Survey
Florida Shorebird Alliance
FrogWatch USA
Global Amphibian BioBlitz
GLOBE - Global Learning and Observation to Benefit the Environment - an international science and education program with the opportunity to participate in data collection and the scientific process
Globe at Night - tracking the increase in artifical light in the nighttime skies
Great World Wide Star Count
Habitat Network - to cultivate a richer understanding of wildlife habitat
Hide & Seep - the Springs Stewardship Institute's springs mapping and reporting app
iNaturalist Network - contribute to biodiversity science, all you have to do is observe
LeafSnap - Plant Identifier
Monarch Joint Venture
Monarch Larva Monitoring Project
Mushroom Observer
My Best Kite
Nature's Notebook - National Phenology Network
Native Buzz Honey Bee Research - UFL
Nest Watch - Cornell Lab of Ornithology
North American Butterfly Association - Butterfly Counts
One Health Fish Monitoring Project, Ocean Research and Conservation Association, Vero Beach
OpenScientist - Projects and opinions from the world of Citizen Science
Painted Bunting Observer Team
Project BubBurst
Project FeederWatch
Project Noah
Project Roadkill
RJ Dunlap Marine Conservation Program - University of Miami
Sailors for the Sea
Scientific American magazine's Citizen Science featured projects
The Great Sunflower Project
The WildLab
The Xerces Society - Community Science Projects
World Water Monitoring Challenge
Zooniverse - take part in real, cutting-edge research, from astronomy to zoology

Endangered Species

Gopher Tortoise Council
Guidlines for Protecting Florida Manatees, FL Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
Manatee Boat/Watercraft Rules - FL Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
Miami Blue Butterfly Fund
Sawfish Recovery - U.S. Sawfish Research and Conservation


Bartram Trail in Putnam County
Better World Club - Roadside Assistance, Insurance and Travel
National Scenic Byways Online
Rolf Pott's Vagabonding
Trails.com - Find Your Trail

Conservation Organizations

American Rivers
Aquatic Ecosystem Restoration Foundation
Citizens for a Scenic Florida
Clean Water Action - We All live Downstream Podcast
Global Warming - The Cooler Heads Coalition
H2ouse Water Saver Home
Institute for Regional Conservation
Protect Your Waters - Stop Aquatic Hitchhikers!
ReefGuardian International
River Netowrk
Sierra Club - Florida Chapter
The Wilderness Society
Trust for Public Land - Florida Chapter
Union of Concerned Scientists
  UCS - Clean Car Resource Center


Report injured wildlife, emergencies, fish kills, rare wildlife sightings and more

A Guide to Living With Bats, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
Animals of the Rainforest
Bat Conservation International
Bats and More!, Ken Gioeli, St. Lucie County Extension Agent
Bats of Florida, Florida Bat Conservancy
Bats of Florida, UF IFAS/Extension
Bats of Florida poster, UF IFAS/Extension
Birding Hotspots Around the World
Birdzilla! The Internet Birding Site
BugGuide.net - on online guide to bugs
Butterflies and Moths of Florida
Creature Feature - Florida Wildlife Federation
Everglades National Park Manatees
Feather Atlas - Flight Feathers of North American Birds
Florida Bat Conservancy
Florida Bird Sounds, Florida Museum of Natural History
Florida Butterflies
Florida Gopher Tortoise Program
Florida Wildflowers & Butterflies, Florida Museum of Natural History
Florida Shorebirds and Seabirds Species List
FlyByNight, Inc. - Bat Education, Research and Rescue
Gopher Tortoise - Florida, The Nature Conservancy
Gopher Tortoise Friendly Yard Recognition Program, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
Great Florida Birding Trail Bird Checklist
Great Florida Birding & Wildlife Trail Guides
Insects on the Web - Iowa State University Dept. of Entomology
Kingsnake.com - the information portal for reptile and amphibian hobbyists
Land Crab Poster - The Nature Conservancy, by Dawn Witherington
Lionfish Invasion: A Threat to North American Ecosystems, North American Invasive Species Management Association
Lizard Lineup - Interactive Key - Florida Invasive Species Partnership
Making Sense of Manatees - University of Florida
Manatees, 3rd grade cirriculum - University of Florida
ManaTV.org - Manatee Webcams - Save the Manatee Club
Monarch butterfly crafts, activities and conservation - US Fish & Wildlife Service
Nature At Home - Florida Wildlife Federation
NatureSound Studio - featuring sounds of birds, frogs, insects and mammals
Owls of Florida, UFL, IFAS Extension
Pet Reptile Information - Selecting a Reptile
Pollinator Poster Series - Bees, Beneficial Insects & Butterflies - Xerces Society
Save the Frogs!
Venomous Spiders in Florida
Wall of Birds Project, Cornell Lab of Ornithology
WetWebMedia - Aquariums, Fish and Aquatic Information
Wildlife Ecology & Conservation, University of Florida
Wings Over Florida - Florida bird and butterfly observation checklists and recognition program, Fish & Wildlife Foundation of Florida
Xeno-canto - Sharing bird sounds from around the world


About Kayaks, Sebastian
Canoes 'R Us.com
Florida Department of Environmental Protection - Clean Boating Program
Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission - Recreation Guides, Trail Maps, Paddling Guides, Species Lists, and Great Florida Birding and Wildlife Trail Guides
Florida Nature Guide - Your Resource for Outdoor Florida Adventures
Florida Paddling Trails Association
Florida RV Parks Campgrounds - Florida State Parks Reservations
Green Boating Guide - Sailors for the Sea
Greenways and Trails, Florida Department of Environmental Protection
Hooked a Bird?
Outdoor Florida - Explore Outdoor Activities & Locations in Florida
Safe Paddling Around Manatees
US Coast Guard - Boating Safety

Parks/Refuges/Preserves, outside Florida

America's National Wildlife Refuge System
America's State Parks

Federal Government Sites

Aquatic Nuisance Species Task Force
EPA's Do Your Part, Be Septic Smart
EPA's Soak Up the Rain, stormwater public outreach and education program
Habitattitude - Protect Our Environment
National Invasive Species Information Center
National Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Program Fact Sheet - U.S. Geological Survey
National Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Program Species by State Map - U.S. Geological Survey
National Water Dashboard - U.S. Geological Survey
River Runner Visualization - U.S. Geological Survey, virtual watershed visualization
The Water Cycle - U.S. Geological Survey
Water Quality Data Site Portal - FL, U.S. Geological Survey

Nature/Wildlife Apps for mobile devices

Audubon Guides
Audubon Nature Florida – The Ultimate Florida Nature Guide
Fish Rules - Saltwater Fishing Regulations
Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission - Report Florida Lionfish
Florida Hikes! - The Florida Trail App
iBird Pro Guide to Birds
IveGot1 - Identify and Report Invasive Animals and Plants in Florida
LeafSnap - An Electronic Field Guide
Manatee Alert app
National Wildlife Federation - 25 Nature and Wildlife Mobile Apps
Natural Guides - Southeast Scat & Tracks
Outdoor Florida - FL Department of Environmental Protection
Outdoor Florida, the website - Mac app available
Seek, by iNaturalist - a great app for families who want to spend more time exploring nature together.

Publications and Video

Many of the publications on the web pages listed below are in the Adobe "Acrobat" (PDF) format and require the free Acrobat "Reader" program in order to view them. If you need to download the program, please click on the image below to link to the page of the Adobe website with access to download the program.

Report Highlights Conservation to Protect Water Quality

June 4, 2004

Protecting the Source
This report from the Trust for Public Land and the American Water Works Association explains why watershed conservation is one of the best ways to protect water quality and details on-the-ground strategies for watershed conservation. The report is intended for local governments, water suppliers and agencies, and community drinking water advocates. The 56-page report is available for free download here.

1000 Friends of Florida - Special Reports
The 5 Sea Turtle Species of the Atlantic and Gulf Coast of the United States - NOAA and the US Fish & Wildlife Service
After the Storm - A Citizen's Guide to Understanding Stormwater - U.S. EPA
American Rivers - Citizens' Agenda for Rivers
Be a Beach Hero - Help keep Florida beaches safe for people, wildlife and plants, FL Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
Be a life saver for the Indian River Lagoon, Indian River Lagoon Coalition [web page version] [PDF version]
A Boater's Guide to Living with Florida Manatees, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
Clean Water Act Owner's Manual, River Network
Coastal Restoration Tollkit - Restore America's Estuaries
County Land Conservation Programs - Trust for Public Land
Drawn to Birds - A Naturalist's Sketchbook
Ecologically Sound Mosquito Management, Xerces Society
EPA - National Service Center for Environmental Publications
EPA - Wasterwater Management - info and online guides
Florida Aquatic Preserves Coloring Book
Florida Aquatic Preserves flyers - including "Indian River - Malabar to Vero Beach"
Florida Freshwater Angler Newsletter, FL Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
Florida butterfly and wildflowers brochures, Florida Museum of Natural History - some include information about butterfly gardening
Florida Communities Facing Chronic Flooding from Sea Level Rise - Union of Concerned Scientists
Florida DEP Waterfront Property Owners' Guide
Florida Fish and Wildlife Research Institute - Brochures, flyers and videos - includes kids activity sheets and coloring books, boating and angling guides, fishing and hunting regulations, "Florida's Environment" brochures and flyers with information on species of FWRI research
Florida Insect Coloring Book
FL Museum of Natural History - Florida Wildflowers & Butteflies Brochure
Florida Wildlife Magazine (archive) - Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
Florida's Environment At Risk: The Local Impacts of the Bush Administration’s Environmental Policies - Florida Public Interest Research Group, April 2004
Florida's Seagrasses brochure - FL Fish & Wildlife Research Institute, FWC
Foresight" - newsletter of the 1000 Friends of Florida organization
Florida State Parks e-newsletter
Great Florida Birding and Wildlife Trail
"Help Protect Florida's Natural Areas from Non-native Invasive Plants" - University of Florida, Institute of Food and Agricultural Science
Indian River County Growth Task Force - Final Report, July 6, 2004
Indian River County Stormwater Department monthly newsletter - "Turning the Tide"
IR County Extension CED/Environmental Horticulture Agent - Master Gardener's White Paper
"Indian River Lagoon - An overview of the North Feasibility Study" - St. Johns River Water Management District
Indian River Lagoon National Estuary Program - One Lagoon, One Voice, IRLNEP YouTube page with stories, podcasts, video shorts, vital signs, and more
Lagoon Friendly Lawns - brochure, Keep Brevard Beautiful
Living with Gopher Tortoises - brochure, Gopher Tortoise Council
"Local Greenprinting for Growth" - Trust for Public Land
Our Water, Our Health-A Citizen's Guide to Sewage Pollution - Gulf Restoration Network
A Practical Guide to Estuary-Friendly Living, Florida Sea Grant, NOAA/UF-IFAS
"Protecting Water Resources with Smart Growth" - EPA
Seagrass facts - Save the Manatee Club
"Silent Invasion" - Invasive species taking over our nation's wildlife refuges - NWRA
Stormwater Systems and How They Work - St. Johns River Water Management District
Stormwater Systems in Your Neighborhood - Southwest Florida Water Management District
The Nature Conservancy - The Indian River Lagoon - Saving Florida's Last Great Places (pdf - 1.16MB)
The Nature Conservancy's "Invasive Plant List" wallet card
The Real Florida Passport - Adventures into Florida's Award-Winning State Parks! - A travel aid designed to help visitors discover Florida's natural wonders and cultural heritage.
The Wrack Community - Beach Wrack Life
Valuing Florida Water Resources Series - Tourism and Recreation, Water Quality for Households and Costs, Ecosystem Services, Waterfront Properties and Agriculture - Institute of Food and Agricultural Services, University of Florida
What to do if you hook a Pelican!Florida Park Service and Pelican Island Audubon Society
"What's An Estuary?" - this is a video sponsored by the EPA, et.al. that you can download and watch. It is a very large file and therefore helps to have a broadband connection.
When Rising Seas Hit Home: Hard Choices Ahead for Hundreds of US Coastal Communities - Union of Concerned Scientists
Wildlife "Fun Facts" sheets - Southeast Region, U.S. Fish & Wildlife
Wildlife viewing publications - FL Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission