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Next Meeting of the FSSR

Our meetings are bi-monthly on the fourth Tuesday of the odd numbered months (except July), starting at 6pm at the North Indian River County Library on CR 512 (Sebastian Blvd.) in Sebastian.

Our meetings are always free and everyone is welcome. These events are not sponsored by the Indian River County library system.

March 25, 2024 - Marine Resources Council's 2024 Indian River Lagoon Health Report, Dr. Laura Wilson, MRC Executive Director

May 27, 2025 - TBA

Our May 2024 meeting was a presentation on stormwater, especially having to do with summer lawncare, fertilizer application, and Indian River County's summer season fertilizer restrictions from June 1st to September 30th. Several handouts were available with information on which fertilizers are sold locally and are compliant with the ordinance, alternative fertilizers and ground covers, as well as home remedies for insect and disease control. Below are links to copies of these documents.

At our May 2023 meeting, we presented a slideshow about Goodrich Island, which was featured in a September 2022 Space Coast Living magazine article. The story and history of this island was one which we were not familiar with, and was also a surprise to Pam Cooper, Director (retired) of the Archive Center at the Indian River County Main Library in Vero Beach. Pam worked with the current owners of the Goodrich property, and the magazine article was written by Janie Gould. Click on the image below to view a copy of the presentation given at our May meeting.

Goodrich Island slideshow presentation

At our November 2020 meeting, we presented the video Bringing Nature Home, an episode from the TV show "Growing a Greener World" with Dr. Doug Tallamy, Professor of Entomology at the University of Delaware. Dr. Tallamy describes the importance of native plants in our environment to support the food web and habitat for birds and other animals. If you were unable to join us, you may watch the video on the Growing a Greener World website here - www.growingagreenerworld.com/bringing-nature-home-doug-tallemy.

For our September 2020 meeting, we had an online presentation by Roxanne Groover, Executive Director of the Florida Onsite Wastewater Association, on residential septic system designs, new technology and new state legislation this year affecting homeowners, and perhaps providing financial assistance for upgrading your system. The presentation was recorded and you may watch it here - https://youtu.be/GKOF-5warQo.

The presentation at our meeting in March 2018 was about microplastics in our oceans and waterways. Speaker Nikki Munroe showed an extended trailer of the documentary "Plastic Oceans," demonstrating the magnitude of the problem. This trailer is displayed below and may be viewed by clicking on the image. Ms. Munroe works for the UFL/IFAS Extension Service in Indian River County and much of the information she presented at our meeting was developed by the University, and is available online at www.plasticaware.org. The "Plastic Aware" campaign is designed to help educate everyone about the scope of the microplastics issue and includes a citizen-science project, allowing anyone to contribute to greater understanding and finding a solution to this problem. The Plastic Aware website also includes a link to their "Take the Pledge" survey which Ms. Munroe handed out at the end of our meeting.

The PBS NewsHour ran a special segment on "Plastic Pollution" in late September 2018 on the issue of microplastics and plastic polluting our oceans. Click here to view their news segments on this issue.

Landscape Architect, Robin Pelensky gave a presentation to the Friends in November 2017 on rain gardens. Many of the online resources she mentioned are avaiable from the University of Florida/IFAS here.

FSSR Volunteer Workday - South Prong Preserve

7780 85th Street (route 510), Vero Beach

The Friends of St. Sebastian River uses the Track It Forward online volunteer management system for our activities at the South Prong Preserve. The Preserve is a County-owned conservation property and we are responsible to account for our use of it. Below are the activities scheduled at this time. Please click on a date for more details. Registered FSSR volunteers may RSVP for an event by clicking the specific date below. If you would like to register to become a volunteer at the Preserve, click here for more information.

Other Events

Seagrass Awareness Month

March 2025

Communities around the globe come together each March to celebrate Seagrass Awareness Month. Florida celebrates Seagrass Awareness Month to raise awareness about the significance of seagrass and eelgrass for the state’s waterways and wildlife. Seagrass beds are essential habitats that support a diverse array of marine species, including fish, crustaceans, sea turtles, and of course, our beloved manatees.

For more information world-wide, visit theProject Seagrass website. For information on SAM in Florida, visit the Fish & Wildlife Foundation of Florida website.

The Magic of Migration

Audubon of Florida, March 25, 2025, 6pm

Join Audubon of Florida on Tuesday, March 25, for a free Zoom presentation about migratory birds in Southwest Florida with Keith Laakkonen, Audubon’s Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary Director.

Twice a year, millions of birds make herculean journeys across continents and oceans to survive. Learn about the species in Florida during spring migration, the importance of Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary for migrants, how the Motus wildlife tracking station informs land managers and researchers about individual birds’ migratory paths, and other ways Audubon works to protect birds in Florida.

Click here for more information and for online registration.

Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute

5600 US 1 North, Ft. Pierce, Florida

The films and lectures below are held in the Johnson Education Center, 4pm on the Harbor Branch campus and are free and open to the public, but registration is required. For more information, visit the HBOI website or call the Harbor Branch Ocean Discovery Center at 772-242-2293.

Ocean Science Lecture Series

March 26, 2025 - Blue Energy in a Blue Economy, Gabriel Alsenas

Manatee Appreciation Day

March 26, 2025

Each year, the Save the Manatee Club celebrates Manatee Appreciation Day on the fourth Wednesday of March. For more information and to view some of the fun activities from this year's celebration, visit their website at www.savethemanatee.org/MAD.

Florida Wildflower Foundation Webinar - Creating a Colorful Native World Inside an HOA

March 26, 2025, 2-3pm

Join Florida Wildflower Foundation, March 26 at 2pm for Saumya Vanderwyst’s presentation on working with HOAs. Saumya’s presentation will focus on methods to improve the soil biome around new construction, help modify designs for mobility-restricted individuals and harness native plant seasonality to meet homeowner’s association (HOA) landscaping demands. Come hear her journey and how she has worked together with her HOA board! Click here for more information and to register.

Earth Hour

March 29, 2025

On the last Saturday of March at 8:30pm, millions of people across the world are switching off lights for one hour - to celebrate their commitment to the planet. This year, you can do more. For more information, visit www.earthhour.org.

Marine Resources Council

Lagoon House, 3275 Dixie Hwy NE (US 1), Palm Bay

Lagoon At Noon Seminars

First Tuesday of the month at noon. For more information, visit the MRC website here. Pre-registration for webinars is required.

April 1, 2025, 12pm - Coastal Navigation: Understanding Sea Turtle Hatchling Orientation, Ashley Britt Chelberg, Founder and President of Stella Maris Environmental Research

If you were unable to attend a presentation you will find a video recording on the MRC's YouTube Channel.

Indian River Lagoon by Brush and Lens, an Earth Day-Inspired Exhibition

April 3 - June 4, 2025
The Emerson Center, 1590 27th Ave., Vero Beach

Showcasing the natural beauty and ecological significance of the Indian River Lagoon through art and photography.

The exhibit also includes a reception and special presentation by Heather Stapleton, Central IRL Community Engagement Coordinator, Indian River Lagoon National Estuary Program, on Wednesday, April 23rd. The reception begins at 5:30pm, followed by Ms. Stapleton's presentation exploring the environmental significance, ongoing challenges, and preservation efforts of the Lagoon.

This is a free event; for more information visit https://theemersoncenter.com/e-series-events.

Melbourne Beach Nature Day

Saturday, April 5, 10am to 3pm
Ryckman Park, 509 Ocean Ave., Melbourne Beach

The Town of Melbourne Beach Environmental Advisory Board presents Nature Day! The event includes a native plant giveaway, environmental speakers and displays, kids' activities, and more. For more information visit their www.melbournebeachfl.org/Events-directory/Nature-Day.

Gopher Tortoise Day

April 10, 2025

April 10th was officially adopted by the Gopher Tortoise Council as Gopher Tortoise Day! In Florida, gopher tortoises are found in parts of all 67 counties and are frequently encountered in neighborhoods, along roadways, and in many of Florida’s public parks and forests. The goal of Gopher Tortoise Day is to increase awareness and appreciation for these long lived, gentle reptiles. For more information, visit the Gopher Tortoise Day website.

Melbourne Botanical Festival

April 12, 2025, 8am to 4pm
1900 S. Harbor City Blvd., Melbourne

Celebrating its 8th year in Downtown Melbourne, the Melbourne Botanical Fest is a family-friendly event that attracts visitors from throughout the region and features lavish landscape designs, garden sculptures, flowers and plants, trees and shrubs, unique gifts, garden-themed art, great food, and much more! Visit the Downtown Melbourne Botanical Fest website for more information.

Pelican Island Audubon Society

North Indian River County Library
1001 Sebastian Blvd., Sebastian

Monday, April 14, 2025, 6 PM, The Pink Wave - Flamingos in Florida, Jerry Lorenz

For more information about PIAS, visit them online at pelicanislandaudubon.org or call 772-567-3520.

UF/IFAS Florida-Friendly Landscaping Program

Florida-Friendly Landscaping™ (FFL) is the state of Florida’s premier Extension program that promotes sustainable alternatives to "conventional" landscaping, providing guidance on low-impact, environmentally friendly, science-based landscape practices that use less water and reduce pollutant loading to Florida waters. The following webinars are free but require prior registration. For more information, visit the UF/IFAS Florida-Friendly Landscaping Webinars website. You will also find recordings of past webinars on their website, as well.

Homeowner Webinar Series

April 15, 2025 - H2OSAV Program: Optimizing Water Conservation, Dr. Nick Taylor

Environmental Learning Center's Lunch & Learn Series

255 Live Oak Dr., Vero Beach

The Lunch & Learn Series is part of adult education at the ELC and an RSVP is required for each event. For more information as it becomes available, visit their Lunch & Learn events page, or check out their online calendar.

Wednesday, April 16, 2025, noon - An update on the health of the Lagoon and Lagoon project restoration funding, Kathy Hill, Deputy Director, Indian River Lagoon Council

Wednesday, May 21, 2025, noon - Simple Changes to Live a More Lagoon-Friendly Life, Amy Zelt, ELC Environmental Educator

Roseland Community Park Volunteer Day

Wednesday, April 16, 2025, 9 to 11am
12973 83rd Ave. (Bay Street), Roseland

The Roseland Women's Club has adoped the Roseland Community Park, adjacent to the Roseland Community Center, and conducts a monthly volunteer workday to help maintain the property and beautify the grounds. Volunteers help with removing invasive weeds and trees, and replanting native plants. Feel free to join them and bring your favorite gardening/yard tools. For more information, visit the Roseland Women's Club website.

Florida Native Plant Society - Eugenia Chapter

Environmental Learning Center, 255 Live Oak Dr., Vero Beach

April 17, 2025, yard visits resume - TBA

For information, please call Judy Avril at 772-567-1565 or visit Eugenia Chapter - FNPS.

National Bat Appreciation Day

April 17, 2025

National Bat Appreciation Day occurs annually on April 17th. National Bat Appreciation Day is an excellent time to learn about the role bats play in nature. One important reason to celebrate bats is that they are considered to be an “insectivorous” creature because they rid our world of many bothersome insects. Visit www.nationaldaycalendar.com/days-2/national-bat-appreciation-day-april-17 to learn more fun bat facts!

Endangered Lakela Mint Habitat Restoration Volunteer Workday

Friday, April 18, 2025, 9am to noon
Hallstrom Farmstead Conservation Area, 1605 Old Dixie Highway, Vero Beach

Indian River County Conservation Lands Program and Bok Tower Gardens are holding a lakela mint habitat restoration volunteer event on the third Friday from October through April. Help protect a piece of Florida's living history. The endangered lakela mint only occurs in very limited area in the vicinity of the Hallstrom farm. Volunteers will be removing invasive species and trimming overgrown vegetation. Tools will be provided as well as light snacks and water - feel free to bring your own. Please register if you plan to attend, at https://indianriver.gov/parksandrecreation. On this web page, click on "Program Registration" in the menu at the left. On the activity registration page you will find this event under the "Conservation Land Programs" category, or just search for the keyword "mint." For more information, call 772-226-1780.

National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day

April 26, 2025

In April and October each year, the public has the opportunity to dispose of potentially dangerous expired, unused, and unwanted prescription drugs. The service is free and anonymous, no questions asked. Properly disposing of unwanted medications helps keep them out of our water, and ultimately our waterways. Americans are now advised that their usual methods for disposing of unused medicines—flushing them down the toilet or throwing them in the trash—both pose potential safety and health hazards.

Last April, Americans turned in 335 tons (over 670,000 pounds) of prescription drugs at more than 4,800 sites operated by the DEA and more than 4,600 of its state and local law enforcement partners. Overall since 2010 the DEA and its partners have taken in almost 18.5 million pounds of pills.

For more information, and to locate a take-back location near you, visit the DEA's National Prescription Drug Take Back Day website. Additionally, many pharmacies at Publix grocery stores now accept expired and unused medication. For more information and to find a location with drug disposal kiosk, visit the Publix website. Additionally, you will find information about drug disposal locations in Brevard County on their County Government website at www.brevardfl.gov/SolidWaste/PrescriptionDrugDisposal.

City of Sebastian Earth Day & Arbor Day Celebration

April 26, 2025
Riverview Park, Sebastian

Only 1 day
until Earth Day
April 22!


Sebastian's Earth Day Festival & Arbor Day Observance will provide an opportunity for people to mingle with earth-friendly organizations and learn about various ways to protect our planet and enjoy nature. There will be entertainment and fun events as well.

This free family event with free parking is sponsored by the City of Sebastian's Natural Resources Board (check in at their booth to receive your free raffle tickets for door prizes). For more information, visit the Natural Resources Board website.

Florida WildQuest - Explore Florida’s Wildlife Management Areas through a unique scavenger hunt experience!

April 2025

Join the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission for Florida WildQuest 2024! Grab your phone and go on a wild adventure to complete scavenger hunt missions and discover some of Florida’s best spots to see wildlife and enjoy the outdoors. With the free and easy-to-use GooseChase app, you can go on a wild adventure at your local WMA.

For more information, visit Florida Nature Trackers.

International Dark Sky Week

April 2025

Every year, the International Dark-Sky Association hosts International Dark Sky Week (IDSW) to raise awareness about light pollution’s many negative effects. For more information, visit https://idsw.darksky.org.

National Park Week

April 2025

Each year in April America celebrates National Park Week –– a chance to hike, learn, share, and give back in the nation’s 391 national parks. Take this time to celebrate what we all have inherited as Americans – 84 million acres of the world’s most spectacular scenery, historic landmarks and cultural treasures.

Whether it is your first trip, or the latest of many memorable park experiences, National Park Week is a chance for all Americans to get active while experiencing the amazing places that make up the national park system for FREE. Visit any of America’s national parks and enjoy free admission all week long!

Visit www.nps.gov/subjects/npscelebrates/national-park-week.htm for more information.

St. Sebastian River Paddle Fest

May 3, 2025, 8am to 2pm
Sebastian Canoe Launch, 9800 Canoe Launch Cove, Sebastian

The Friends of St. Sebastian River is hosting the fourth annual Paddle Fest on the South Prong of the St. Sebastian River on Saturday, May 3rd. The event is a fundraiser for our organization and includes prizes, a photo contest, and a sandwich box lunch from Publix, including a drink. Please bring whatever other drinks you wish to have along for the trip and we will have a cooler with water available to refill at Dale Wimbrow Park.

Join us for a paddle down one of Florida's most scenic rivers, right here in our own backyard! Canoes, kayaks and paddleboards are welcome, and kayak rentals are available from About Kayaks, if desired. Please check in at the Sebastian Canoe Launch, 9800 Canoe Launch Cove, off Watervliet Street, starting at 8am, until 10am. From there, enjoy a leisurely paddle downstream (approx. 3 hours) to Dale Wimbrow Park where lunch will await your arrival, beginning at 12pm. Transportation will be provided back to your car from Dale Wimbrow Park.

Costa Del Mar logo

Bring your camera to participate in the photo contest, as well. The prize for the winning photo, as chosen by the FSSR Board of Directors, is a pair of Costa Del Mar Mainsail Blue Mirror Sunglasses, plus other Costa-branded items. In addition, your photo will be featured on our Facebook page and in our May newsletter. Please email any photos to us at info@fssr.org. Submission deadline is Thursday, May 8th.

The entry fee is $35/person with your own paddle craft, which includes the box lunch and a one-year FSSR membership. The FSSR is a nonprofit organization and your donation is tax-deductible, to the extent allowed by law. Additionally, About Kayaks River Rentals has offered free kayak rentals, first-come, first-served, if available. Please contact About Kayaks directly to reserve at 772-589-3469.

For more information email us at info@fssr.org, or call Peter at 321-343-2163.


1-800-HELP-FLA (435-7352) of www.FloridaConsumerHelp.com.

Friends of St. Sebastian River Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services Registration #CH64596

Lionfish Challenge

May 2025

The Lionfish Challenge is a free summer-long lionfish tournament open to participants anywhere within the state of Florida. There’s been an astounding number of lionfish removed as part of this challenge – more than 165,000. As we kick off the ninth year of the Lionfish Challenge, our goal remains the same: remove as many lionfish as we can in just four months. Are you up for the Challenge?

For the full details and to enter the Challenge, visit https://fwcreefrangers.com/lionfish-challenge.

National Rivers Month

June 1st marks the start of National Rivers Month, a thirty day tribute and celebration of America’s most treasured rivers. Take a moment this month to think about your favorite waterway and how it connects to habitat, drinking water, recreation, energy, and life. What can you do to ensure that these waterways remain clean and viable for generations to come?

The American Association for the Advancement of Science has some online educational resources available for kids of all ages, to teach them more about rivers and our important water resources. Visit their website at http://sciencenetlinks.com/daily-content/06/09/.

In addition, American Rivers and the Arbor Day Foundation have information about celebrating and protecting rivers at https://www.americanrivers.org/2017/06/need-healthy-rivers and http://arbordayblog.org/national-forests/happy-national-rivers-water-month.

National Trails Day

June 7, 2025

American Hiking Society's National Trails Day® (NTD) is a celebration of America's magnificent Trail System, occurring annually on the first Saturday in June. NTD features a series of outdoor activities, designed to promote and celebrate the importance of trails in the United States. Individuals, clubs and organizations from around the country host National Trails Day® events to share their love of trails with friends, family, and their communities. NTD introduces thousands of Americans to a wide array of trail activities: hiking, biking, paddling, horseback riding, trail running, and bird watching and more. For public and private land managers alike, National Trails Day® is a great time to showcase beautiful landscapes and special or threatened locales as thousands of people will be outside looking to participate in NTD events.

For more information, visit www.nationaltrailsday.org.

World Oceans Day

June 8, annualy

On World Oceans Day people around the planet celebrate and honor the body of water which links us all, for what it provides humans and what it represents. There are several events around Florida celebrating the day and the closest will be at the Loggerhead Marinelife Center in Juno Beach. The SMS event will be held from 10 AM to 3 PM. Please visit their website at www.marinelife.org for information about all the activities for this event.

In addition, CBS News' Robert Krulwich has produced a short video essay entitled "Oceans Give, Oceans Take": Their role in climate change, talking about the significance of oceans in protecting and providing for life on our planet. Click here to watch Krulwich's creative presentation.

Addiitionally, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) Ocean Today multimedia website, for ocean exploration and discovery, has created a series of videos about marine debris - what is it and what can we do? You may view these, and all their videos at https://oceantoday.noaa.gov, so start exploring!

For more information about World Oceans Day, please visit www.worldoceansday.org.

Treasure Coast Waterway Cleanup

July 2025
Martin, St. Lucie and Indian River Counties

Boaters and citizens along the Indian River Lagoon will be cleaning up 125 miles of waterways in Martin, St. Lucie and Indian River Counties. Everyone is invited to participate and will receive a free event t-shirt. Boaters will also receive commemorative burgee flag, and everyone will be invited to a barbecue lunch at a future date. For more information please visit the event webiste at www.tcwaterwaycleanup.com.

National Wildlife Day

September 4, 2025

National Wildlife Day (Feb. 22nd & September 4th) founded in 2005 by animal behaviorist and philanthropist Colleen Paige, serves to bring awareness of endangered animals nationally as well as globally, that need to be preserved and rescued from their demise each year, but also to acknowledge zoos and outstanding animal sanctuaries globally for everything they do to help preserve this planet's animals and educate the public about conservation - especially to children....our animal's future caretakers and conservationists.

Visit www.nationalwildlifeday.com to learn more.

National Public Lands Day

Saturday, September 27, 2025

National Public Lands Day (NPLD), sponsored by Toyota Motor North America, is the nation's largest, single-day volunteer effort for public lands. Through NPLD, the National Environmental Education Foundation (NEEF) works to connect people to public lands in their community, inspire environmental stewardship, and encourage use of public lands for education, recreation, and general health.

To encourage people to join in and visit their public lands, NPLD is a fee-free day for all federal public lands and many state parks. Whether you volunteer on NPLD, enjoy some boating, hiking, fishing, or camping, or simply learn more about your public lands and the plants and wildlife that live there, we invite you to take this day to enjoy the great outdoors and celebrate the lands that give us so much.

For more information, visit the National Public Lands Day website.

World Rivers Day

September 28, 2025

World Rivers Day is a celebration of the world’s waterways on the fourth Sunday in September. It highlights the many values of our rivers, strives to increase public awareness, and encourages the improved stewardship of all rivers around the world. Rivers in virtually every country face an array of threats, and only through our active involvement can we ensure their health in the years ahead.

For more information, visit the World Rivers Day website.

US EPA SepticSmart Week

September 2025

Each year, EPA holds SepticSmart Week with outreach activities to encourage homeowners and communities to care for and maintain their septic systems.

During SepticSmart Week, EPA seeks to inform homeowners on proper septic system care and maintenance, assist local agencies in promoting homeowner education and awareness, and educate local decision makers about infrastructure options to improve and sustain their communities.

For more information, visit the EPA's SepticSmart website.

National Estuaries Week

September 2025

National Estuaries Week is a nationwide celebration of our bays and estuaries and the many benefits they provide to local communities. The goal is to demonstrate the importance of America’s estuaries by showcasing the value they provide to your community such as habitat for plants and animals, protection from flooding, and picturesque recreation areas. National Estuaries Week is about showcasing what makes YOUR estuary special and why we need to work together to protect it. For more information, visit the National Estuaries Week website.

The local Indian River Lagoon National Estuary Program celebrated National Estuaries Week this week with a presentation - What's Up in the Watershed: Restore Our Shores. The presentation was by Olivia Escandell, Conservation Manager of the Brevard Zoo's Restore Our Shores Program. The online presentation was recorded and can be viewed on the IRLNEP YouTube page here.

Florida Birding & Nature Festival

October 2025
6650 Dickman Rd, Apollo Beach, Florida

Four days of field and boat trips, expert seminars, keynote speakers, and a great free nature expo! For more information and registration for events, visit their website at www.floridabirdingandnaturefestival.org.

The Big Sit!

October 2025

The Big Sit! is an annual, international, noncompetitive birding event hosted by Bird Watcher’s Digest and founded by the New Haven (Connecticut) Bird Club. Every year, bird watchers from around the globe unite on this special day by participating in this free event, open to any person and club in any country!

The Big Sit! is like a Big Day or a bird-a-thon in that the object is to tally as many bird species as can be seen or heard within 24 hours. The difference lies in the area limitation from which you may observe.

To learn more and to register, visit the The Big Sit! website.

Indian River Lagoon Annual Science Festival

October 2025
Veteran's Memorial Park, 600 N. Indian River Dr., Ft. Pierce

Join us for a day of FREE family-friendly fun as we dive into the wonders of science and the beauty of the Indian River Lagoon. This STEAM-powered extravaganza promises excitement for all ages! Bring the whole family for a day of hands-on exploration and adventure! From thrilling science shows to captivating activities from local organizations, there's something for everyone to enjoy. For more information, visit their IRL Science Festival website.

Florida Bat Festival

October 2025
Gainesville, Florida

This unique event will provide a rare opportunity for the general public and wildlife lovers to visit a working research center and to see the bats face-to-face. This is the only day of the year when the center is open to the public.

The festival will be held on the grounds of the Lubee Bat Conservancy, a 110-acre ranch, located at 1309 NW 192nd Avenue in Gainesville, FL. This free festival offers exciting opportunities for the whole family. Whether you are viewing live fruit bats, sitting in on an education presentation, or visiting a vendor’s booth, the festival offers relaxation and recreation.

Each year this event features free activities, including bat-themed crafts and games for kids, educational exhibits, presentations by bat experts, and the unique opportunity to see live fruit bats with 5 ft wingspans on exhibit in the Bat Zone. Local vendors will be spread across the beautiful grounds of the conservancy selling food and beverages, providing local environmental education information, and selling batty merchandise.

For more information visit the Lubee Bat Conservancy website.

October is Native Plant Month in Florida

The Florida Native Plant Society celebrates native plants with a month-long celebration in October each year. Events across the state help to remind everyone of the importance of planting, and converting your yards, to native plants for wildlife diversity, lower maintenance, and need for fertilizers and pesticides! Since native plants are adapted to our climate, there is something that will always be in blossom at various times throughout the year. To learn more about this annual event, and more resources for native plants, visit the FNPS at https://fnps.org/news/plantmonth.

October is Greenways and Trails Month

In celebration of Florida Greenways and Trails Month, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Division of Recreation and Parks invites Florida residents and visitors to explore the amazing greenways and trails found throughout the Sunshine State. The network of trails in Florida provides opportunities for a variety of activities for the whole family, including walking, running, riding bicycles, paddling or pushing a stroller. The benefits of outdoor recreation include lower blood pressure, improved fitness, improved mood, lower stress levels and more. To learn more and access an online trails guide, visit the DEP's Greenways and Trails Month website.

Indian River Lagoon Day Festival

November 2025
Front Street Park, Melbourne, FL

The City of Melbourne will be hosting their annual Indian River Lagoon Day celebration at the Front Street Park in downtown Melbourne. For more information visit their Facebook page.

Manatee Fest

November 2025
Manatee Observation and Education Center, 480 North Indian River Dr., Ft. Pierce

Activities and games, face painting, hands-on activities and demonstrations, local environmental and community organizations. For more information, visit www.manateeeducationcenter.org.

Florida Panther Festival

November 2025
Naples Zoo, Naples, Florida

Make plans to attend this family-friendly event to celebrate the local wildlife of Collier County, including the endangered Florida panther. Along with all regular zoo activities including see a living Florida panther, guests will enjoy outdoor exhibits by area conservation partners, fun activities for kids, and practical talks about living with wildlife presented by experts.

For more information, visit the Florida Panther Festival website.

America Recycles Day

November 15, 2025

Since 1997, communities across the country have come together on November 15 to celebrate America Recycles Day. More than a celebration, America Recycles Day is the only nationally recognized day dedicated to the promotion of recycling in the United States. One day to educate and motivate. One day to get our neighbors, friends and community leaders excited about what can be accomplished when we all work together. One day to make recycling bigger and better 365 days a year.

For more information and to get involved, please visit the America Recycles Day website.

For more information about recycling in Indian River County please visit the Indian River County Solid Waste Department website or call them at 772-770-5112, or visit the Keep Indian River Beautiful website or call KIRB at 772-226-7738. In Brevard County, visit the Brevard County Solid Waste Management website or call them at 321-633-2042, or visit the Keep Brevard Beautiful website or call them at 321-631-0501.

Florida Manatee Festival

January 2026
Crystal River, Florida

Located in the "Manatee Capital of the World", The Florida Manatee Festival is an annual event held every January in beautiful downtown Crystal River. Our festival boasts two days of live entertainment, discounted opportunities for guided manatee boat tours and kayak tours in Kings Bay, children's activities, delicious food, and hundreds of vendors. For more information visit www.gomanateefest.com.

Arbor Day in Florida

January 16, 2026

Arbor Day is an annual observance that celebrates the role of trees in our lives and promotes tree planting and care. As a formal holiday, it was first observed in 1872, in Nebraska.

For many years, Arbor Day was celebrated on April 22, J. Sterling Morton’s birthday. Today, National Arbor Day is celebrated on the last Friday in April.

Florida has celebrated Arbor Day since 1886 and has one of the first Arbor Day celebrations in the nation, on the third Friday in January. Due to Florida's warmer climate, it is convenient, and even advantageous to plant trees at this early date in the season. Over 200 communities in Florida celebrate Arbor Day, either as a stand-alone event or in conjunction with some other occasion. Sebastian celebrates National Arbor Day though closer to the April 22nd date, in conjunction with its annual Earth Day celebration.

For more information about Arbor Day, visit the Arbor Day Foundation, or for more information about Arbor Day celebrations in Florida, visit the University of Florida's "Arbor Day in Florida" page.

Manatee Lagoon ManateeFest

February 2026
Manatee Lagoon, West Palm Beach, FL

Manatee Lagoon's ManateeFest event is an annual celebration where families and the public can come together to explore the wonders of manatees, the Lake Worth Lagoon and environmental conservation.

Visit the Virtual ManateeFest website to learn more. You may also download a copy of the ManateeFest Coloring Sheet.

World Wetlands Day

February 2, 2025

February 2nd each year is World Wetlands Day. This day marks the date of the adoption of the Convention on Wetlands on 2 February 1971, in the Iranian city of Ramsar on the shores of the Caspian Sea.

Each year since 1997, the Ramsar Secretariat has provided materials to help raise public awareness about the importance and value of wetlands.

On 27 January 1998, then Secretary General of the Ramsar Convention Secretariat, Mr. Delmar Blasco, signed the first partnership agreement between a global environmental convention and the private sector with Mr. Franck Riboud, CEO of the Danone Group, Yves Buchsenschutz, Director General of the Evian Water Company, France, part of the Danone Group, and Mrs. Dominique Voynet, French Minister for the Environment. The Danone–Evian Fund for Water was born. Its mission is to raise awareness among decision-makers and the public at large of the importance of water resources through a portfolio of projects and educational products.

For more information and downloadable resource materials, visit www.worldwetlandsday.org.

Ocean Treasures Festival

February 2026
Barrier Island Center, 8385 S Hwy A1A, Melbourne Beach, FL 32951

Visit the Barrier Island Center for a day at the beach celebrating its many treasures! Speak to experts on marine life and conservation, have your cabinet curiosities identified and entered into a beachcombing competition, shop from ocean-inspired artists, support the art raffle to benefit Sea Turtle Conservancy, try the scavenger hunt, enjoy take-in-make eco-arts, live music, food trucks & more! For more information, visit the Barrier Island Center website, or the Festival Facebook page.

Florida Fish and Wildlife Research Institute Annual MarineQuest

February 2026
FWC Fish and Wildlife Research Institute, 100 8th Avenue SE, St. Petersburg, FL

MarineQuest, the annual open house of the FWC Fish and Wildlife Research Institute. For over 25 years, MarineQuest has welcomed thousands of people through our doors to learn more about Florida’s fish, wildlife, and their habitats, and the cutting-edge research that Institute scientists are leading all around the state.

From touch tanks with live critters to activities for kids and demonstrations, there is something for everyone! Speak with some of Florida's top researchers, hang with sharks and rays, and learn about manatees, birds, coral, red tide and more! Check out their website at MyFWC.com/MarineQuest for more information and to watch content from last year's MarineQuest.


February 2026
Manatee Observation and Education Center
480 North Indian River Drive, Fort Pierce

Take a walk on the wild side at the Manatee Center's NatureFest celebration! This educational environmental festival features many exhibitors that showcase the Treasure Coast's wildlife, natural resources and Florida's great outdoors! Visit the Manatee Center's website for more information.

Orlando Wetlands Festival

February 2026
Orlando Wetlands Park, 25155 Wheeler Road, Christmas

The City of Orlando, Orange Audubon Society, Orange County Parks & Recreation Department and Atkins Global invite you to come out to the Orlando Wetlands Festival at Fort Christmas Historical Park. Celebrate the City’s 1,650 acre wetland oasis with guided birdwatching excursions, guided photo hikes, hay rides, bus tours, wildlife shows and fun activities just for the kids. Enjoy live music and food which will be available for purchase. Admission is free and door prizes will be given out. For more information, visit the Friends of the Orlando Wetlands Facebook page.

Annual Scrub-Jay Festival

February 2026
Lyonia Environmental Center, 2150 Eustace Ave., Deltona

Only one bird species, the Florida scrub-jay, makes its home exclusively in the Sunshine State. This songbird, with its bright blue headdress, wings and tail and bold, curious behavior depends on scrub habitat for survival. The Florida Scrub-Jay Festival celebrates the only bird species unique to Florida as well as the scrub-jay’s unique and interesting habitat. The Florida scrub-jay currently is federally listed as a threatened species. Scrub-jays are bold, curious, charismatic and true Florida natives.

The free festival includes guided hikes and eco-buggy tours, a Scrub-Jay Q&A with experts, a keynote presentation, prescribed fire demonstrations, kids’ activities, exhibits and entertainment. For more information about the festival, visit the FL Scrub-Jay Festival website. For more information about the Florida scrub-jay, visit the Cornell Lab of Ornithology website.

Click here to view online photos of scrub-jays taken by the FWC.

National Invasive Species Awareness Week

February 2026

National Invasive Species Awareness Week is an international event to raise awareness about invasive species, the threat that they pose, and what can be done to prevent their spread. Join the celebration by learning more about what invasive species are, how they spread, and what we all can do to help prevent them. For more information, including the basics of what an invasive species is, visit https://naisma.org/programs/nisaw.

World Wildlife Day

March 3, 2026

On 20 December 2013, at its 68th session, the United Nations General Assembly decided to proclaim 3 March, the day of signature of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), as UN World Wildlife Day to celebrate and raise awareness of the world’s wild animals and plants. Countries around the world are encouraged to highlight species of wild animals and plants from their own countries.

For more information and events around the world, visit www.wildlifeday.org.

International Day of Action for Rivers

March 2026

The International Day of Action for Rivers is a day dedicated to solidarity – when diverse communities around the world come together with one voice to say that rivers matter. That communities having access to clean and flowing water matters. That everyone should have a say in decisions that affect their water and their lives. That it’s our time to stand up for these rights, now more than ever.

For more information, visit the International Rivers website.

World Water Day

March 22, 2026

International World Water Day is held annually in March as a means of focusing attention on the importance of freshwater and advocating for the sustainable management of freshwater resources.

An international day to celebrate freshwater was recommended at the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED). The United Nations General Assembly responded by designating 22 March 1993 as the first World Water Day.

For more information, visit the World Water Day website.

Ongoing Events

Gopher Tortoise Coalition

Jim Petrone, HometownNews

The Gopher Tortoise Coalition is a group of concerned citizens that was recently formed with the change in the status of the gopher tortoise in Florida, by the Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC). The FWC took the action to upgrade the status of the gopher tortoise to "threatened" and just recently has changed the requirements for relocating tortoises out of the way of development.

The gopher tortoise suffers from an "upper respiratory tract" disease and the FWC has always required that tortoises being relocated off-site from areas being developed, to be tested for the disease before they can be relocated. In lieu of that, developers were allowed to apply for an "incidental take permit", which allowed them to pay a mitigation fee and entomb any gopher tortoises on-site as a result of the development work. This has historically been the easiest and most expeditious process for developers. With the recent change of policy by the FWC, tortoises can now be relocated off-site without the testing and many developers seem eager to do that. One logistical problem is having the time and man-power, to actually do the work of relocation. That's where you, the public and the Gopher Tortoise Coalition come in. If you are interested in helping out, please call Ilka Daniel, Director of Outreach Services with the Humane Society at 772-388-3331, ext. 28 or 772-473-6889.

Operation Medicine Cabinet - A Prescription for Safe Kids and a Clean Environment

Operation Medicine Cabinet is a professional, comprehensive, public safety and environmental awareness program designed to prevent the misuse and abuse of unwanted over-the-counter and prescription medications, and keep them out of communities' water supplies.

Operation Medicine Cabinet keeps unwanted medications out of the wrong hands. Medicines left unattended or disposed of carelessly are a danger, whether it's accidental ingestion by people or pets, illegal use or theft, or identity theft from discarded containers with patient information.

Operation Medicine Cabinet protects the environment and prevents pollution by helping communities properly dispose of unused medications. Studies show that flushing medications down the toilet or sink drain contaminates water supplies and endangers aquatic life in our rivers and streams; wastewater facilities aren't designed to remove pharmaceutical chemicals.

For information on collection of unwanted medications in Indian River County, please contact the Indian River County Sheriff's Department at 772-569-6700 or visit their website. They will accept old/unwanted medications year-round at the Sheriff's Office, located at 4055 41st Ave., Vero Beach.

For collection information in Brevard County, please contact the Brevard County Sheriff's Department at 321-264-5201. Unwanted medications can be dropped off at the their South Precinct Office located at 1515 Sarno Road, Melbourne.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has additional information on the proper disposal of unused and unwanted medications. While flushing medications down the toilet is the least desirable method of disposal, there are certain medications that this is still the recommended method. The FDA maintains a list of these medications. For more information on disposal of unused medications, environmental concerns and guidelines for disposal, please visit the FDA website.

The American Rivers organization has published a page on their website entitled "Pharmaceuticals in the Water Supply." "In 2008, the Associated Press found an array of pharmaceuticals, from pain killers to antibiotics to mood stabilizers, in the drinking water of 24 major metropolitan water suppliers. Further, 34 of the 62 water suppliers contacted by the AP couldn’t provide results as they had never tested for pharmaceutical compounds." Their website discusses the problems and imapcts to your health and the environment.

You will also find more information on medication safety, environmental impacts and safe disposal on the National Community Pharmacists Assocaiton Dispose My Meds, the Teleosis Institute's Green Pharmacy Program and the Product Stewardship Institute's Safe Drug Disposal Portal websites. Please visit these websites for more information on the safety, and prevention of environmental hazards, in disposing of unused medications. Our local waterways will be better for it!

Winn-Dixie recently announced that its pharmacies will offer specially designed medication disposal envelopes to help its customers safely dispose of unused, outdated or unwanted medications.

The specially designed TakeAway Environmental Return System envelopes, made by Sharps Compliance, offer a convenient, safe and environmentally responsible method to dispose of unused, expired or unwanted noncontrolled prescription or over-the-counter medications, the grocer stated.

"Winn-Dixie is making it easy for our customers to dispose of unwanted medications, preventing potential misuse of these medications and also preventing contamination of our lakes and rivers, many of which serve as community water supplies," stated John Fegan, Winn-Dixie VP pharmacy.

The US Drug Enforcement Administration holds a "National Drug Take-Back Day" each year in September. You will find more information about this event and drug disposal information on their website at http://deadiversion.usdoj.gov/drug_disposal/takeback/index.html.