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Our River - The St. Sebastian
The St. Sebastian River
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The majority of the documents located on this page are in Adobe Acrobat format and you will need the free Adobe Reader program in order to view or print these documents. If you need the Reader program, it is free to download from Adobe. Click on the link here  

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Below are links to sections farther down this page. Click on a link to go directly to that section.

Newsletters | FSSR Bylaws | Board of Directors' agendas & meeting notes

Letters/Press Releases

Sebastian annexation follow-up September 20, 2022
Press Release - Sebastian Needs Consultant for Graves Bros. Annexation-CWC-IRNA-PIAS-FSSR - Sep22
City of Sebastian, re. Graves Bros. issues - July 27, 2022
Letter to City of Sebastian regarding resumption of herbicide in City canals and IPM Committee function
Dr. Duane DeFreese Receives FSSR Environmental Enhancement Award
Florida Birds and Wildlife Featured at Friends Meeting
FSSR River Cleanup, Sep 2018
Microplastics - A Growing Concern in our Waterways
FSSR 2017 Environmental Award Announced

Invasive Plant Information

Brazilian Pepper - Why So Terrible?
Hydrilla Impact on the Ecosystem: A Growing Threat
Invasive Plants of East Central Florida - You Should Know
Old World Climbing Fern - UF/IFAS, Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants
Plants to beware of and how to control them! - invasive plant workshop with Janice Broda, Eugenia Chapter, FL Native Plant Society - video below

St. Sebastian River Research Project

The Friends of St. Sebastian River has taken on a long-term project of gathering data and information about the St. Sebastian River and surrounding areas. The concept is broad-ranging, and has already sparked new ideas of what information may be available, and where it may lead us.

The concept is that we would like our website to be a repository of information about our river and its watershed. In other words, what do we know about our river and what impacts its health or habitat. This information may include history about the wildlife that depends on our river and how it has changed over the years, and our human history that has developed around it. This could include anything of how life depends on the river, right through to current day implementation of fertilizer ordinances to protect the river as a resource. We are also interested in more technical information, to include hydrology and how it has changed with development and human impacts.

The idea is to provide a bibliographic reference and description of what information exists, and an archive for publications and artifacts, when necessary. The scope of our project has blossomed as we imagine the possibilities and have come across the very beginnings of our findings. Therefore, we would like to ask for the help of anyone who may have ideas or information that we should consider, including where we may find that information. We would also be interested in photos or documentation about the river and our community, that we may copy. We are aware of information that exists in our local libraries and historical societies. It is just a matter of putting in the effort to locate and document a reference to these resources.

As you might imagine, this project could take on a life of its own and is more than we can undertake on our own. We would be grateful for the assistance anyone would like to offer. That assistance can be in whatever amount or form that interests you. If you would like to help, or want more information, please get in touch with us - we would love to talk with you! One of the first mysteries unearthed as we've gotten started with this project is where was Gibson Springs? Do you know where Gibson Springs was, or can you help us uncover our next mystery? If so, please click on "Contact Info" in the menu on the left, and get in touch with any one of us. Thank you!

St. Sebastian River Area Documents/Reference/Information


Environmental Issues


Natural Resources




March 2025

The link above is for the latest issue of our newsletter. Older versions of our newsletter, before 2018, are in "Adobe Acrobat" format and require that you have the free Adobe Acrobat "Reader" program installed on your computer. An Acrobat document can either be opened or saved directly to your computer, depending on the preferences you have set for your Acrobat Reader software. Once the document is open, you may read, print individual pages, or save it on your computer.

Email delivery! - Current members may request the newsletter be delivered to you via email. The benefit is that you will be the first ones to receive our newsletter when it comes out, and you won't have to access our website to retrieve it. It will also help us to save more paper, if you are currently receiving the printed version, and are willing to not have it mailed to you.

If you would like to subscribe to this service, please click here to send us an email request. We use the MailChimp service to send emails to our members and each email you receive has an "Unsubscribe" link. If you would like to stop receiving the electronic newsletter only (and receive a mailed copy instead), email us your request, as the Unsubscribe link will remove you from all mailing lists. There is also a link in each email to update your "preferences," including your email address - please update your email if it changes.

In addition to our own newsletters, we are part of a new coalition of environmental organizations throughout Indian River County, the Environmental Leaders Coalition of Indian River County, that is producing its own newsletter. You may find out more about this group and access its newsletter at www.discoverelc.org/irc-eco-connect.

Newsletter Archives


Jan   Mar  


Jan   Mar   May   Sep   Nov


Jan   Mar   May   Sep   Nov


Jan   Mar   May   Sep   Nov


Jan   Mar   May   Sep   Nov  


Jan   Mar   May   Sep   Nov


Jan   Mar   May   Jul (no newsletter)   Sep   Nov


Jan   Mar   May   Jul (no newsletter)   Sep   Nov


Jan   Mar   May   Jul (no newsletter)   Sep (no newsletter)   Nov  

Board of Director's agendas & meeting notes



Jan   Feb   Mar  


Jan   Feb   Mar   Apr   May   Jun   July - canceled   Aug - no meeting   Sep   Oct   Nov   Dec


Jan   Feb   Mar   Apr   May   Jun   July - canceled   Aug - no meeting scheduled   Sep   Oct   Nov   Dec - canceled


Jan   Feb   Mar   Apr   May - canceled   Jun   Jul   Aug - no meeting   Sep   Oct   Nov   Dec - canceled


Jan   Feb   Mar   Apr   May   Jun   Jul   Sep   Oct   Nov   Dec


Jan   Feb   Mar   May   Jun   Sep   Oct   Nov   Dec

Meeting notes


Jan   Feb   Mar   Apr   Jun   Jul  


Jan   Feb   Mar   Apr   May   Jun   Jul   Sep   Oct   Nov   Dec


Jan   Feb   Mar   May   Jun   Sep   Oct   Nov   Dec

FSSR Bylaws