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Micco Water Management Area8890 Fleming Grant Rd., Micco, FLThe Micco Water Management Area (previous referred to as the Wheeler Stormwater Park) helps improve the quality of water discharged to the North Prong of the St. Sebastian River, a tributary of the Indian River Lagoon. It was formerly a citrus grove and was acquired for the purpose of creating a stormwater detention area for water draining from the Sottile Canal. Detention ponds and structures slow down and temporarily hold stormwater to allow sediments to settle and absorb nutrients with aquatic plants. In some cases, aquatic plants may not be native and may be harvested for removal of the nutrients from the system, and then composted. The MWMA is approximately 300 acres and includes a series of ponds and restored wetlands to treat runoff from the 21,000 acres watershed drained by the Canal, before continuing to the River. The area has more than 3 miles of trail for hiking, biking and equestrian use, and links to a trail at the adjacent St. Sebastian River Preserve State Park.